Do you want to spice up your existing training? Here you will find many crossfit, mobility and balance training accessories.
To enrich your functional training, we have prepared climbing ropes, gymnastics rings, plyometric jump boxes, weightlifting belts, strongman accessories, several models of power bags (bulgarian bag, sand bag) and slam balls.
Taking care of your body after workout is important. We have prepared mobility, flexibility and recovery accessories. You can choose between foam rollers, massage spindle rollers and balls, massage guns, different types of elastics bands, balance boards and cushions.
Octagonal Jump Box Set - set of cushions for plyometric jumps - 30 cm/40 cm/ 50 cmIn stock€879.00ali od 23.41 € / mesec
PWR BACK CHAIR – pilates blazina za raztezanje in krepitev hrbteniceIn stock€299.90ali od 10.21 € / mesec
PWR Body Mate- elipsa za raztezanje, stabilizacijo in krepitev mišicIn stock€299.90ali od 10.21 € / mesec
PWR Mini Pad- nedrseča blazinica za ravnotežje in podporo treninguIn stock€49.90ali od 18.10 € / mesec
PWR FLEXLOR CLASSIC nedrseča klančina za raztezanje mečnih mišicIn stock€89.90ali od 16.47 € / mesec
Blazina za raztezanje, stabilizacijo in krepitev mišic – Your body mate ELIPSAIn stock at the supplierPrice on demand